Archive support
ALMA data has a propriety period of 12 months, after which all data becomes available through the ALMA data archive. The archive is populated with full ALMA datasets - a resource of a wealth of scientific data that is accessible to the entire astronomical community! In order to provide an efficient and comprehensive search of the ALMA data archive, and to maximise the scientific output of the data, the Nordic ARC node supports the Nordic community in using the archive.
- Archive search and data mining
- Data retrieval, calibration, and imaging
- Re-processing of archival data customised to specific needs
- Advanced analysis of results
Master's thesis projects
We support and encourage master’s thesis projects based on ALMA archive data. Students are welcome to visit us for extended periods to learn how to navigate the archive and how to reduce and analyse ALMA observations. They will be assigned an ARC node member who will supervise the data part of the thesis throughout the duration of the project. This is an exciting opportunity to allow students to be a part of the most powerful telescope of its kind, making their first experience with front-line science.